Brand: Th. Schneider

Th. Schneider

Th. Schneider was a French automobile manufacturer.

The Société anonyme des automobiles Th. Schneider was registered at Besançon on 16 June 1910. Vehicle production finally ended early in 1930, some ten months after the company's second declaration of bankruptcy, in March 1929.

By the time he established the company that carried his name, Schneider was already a very well seasoned automobile manufacturer. With Edouard Rochet, Schnieder had been involved since 1889 or 1894 with the Lyon based Rochet-Schneider company.

Although Schneider had apparently been registered at birth with the name "Théodore Schneider", many friends and business partners knew him as "Théophile Schneider". Use of the name Th. Schneider for his automobile company avoided the need to arbitrate between the two names.

1913 Th. Schneider 5.6-litre Grand Prix Two Seater

1913 Th. Schneider 5.6-litre Grand Prix Two Seater

The 1913 Th. Schneider 5.6-litre Grand Prix Two Seater was a car built by the French automaker Th. S..

1921 Th. Schneider 4.5-Litre Tourer by Domain

1921 Th. Schneider 4.5-Litre Tourer by Domain

On 4 July 1925, Australia's Sydney Morning Herald captioned a photograph of Mr A.H. Barnes, a Sydney..

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