1901 Renault 4.5hp Type D Series E Two-Seater Voiturette

1901 Renault 4.5hp Type D Series E Two-Seater Voiturette

Louis Renault was a pioneer in automobile design in the infant French motor industry, building his first car as early as 1898, mounting a De Dion Bouton engine on the front of a primitive tubular chassis frame. Ever the innovator, he broke from traditional design by featuring a sprung live rear axle, a feature soon to be copied by his contemporaries. With the benefit of substantial financial backing, production began at Billancourt of 1.75 hp and 3hp cars, with the hugely successful 4.5 hp models appearing first for the 1900 season. From the outset Renault saw the benefits to be gained from active participation in motor sport and, along with his brother Marcel, he took an active part in this new sporting activity. Although the headlines were stolen by larger cars, Renault, with their voiturettes, were highly regarded, achieving class successes in continental events and in the great French City-to-City races. In the 1901 Paris-Bordeaux Race, Louis Renault led a victorious team of four Renaults, taking first place himself in the voiturette class and completing the epic journey in just 9 hours and 31 minutes, with brother Marcel in second place just eight minutes behind, with Oury and Grus on similar Type E cars following in third and fourth places. In 1902 Renault were to achieve their ultimate success, Marcel Renault stealing outright victory in the Paris-Vienna Race at the wheel of a 16hp model, covering the distance at an average speed of 39.2mph. These racing victories kept Renault at the fore-front of the public mind and resulted in sales orders and production figures which were the envy of their competitors.

This 4.5 hp Type D Renault is powered by a vertical, single-cylinder, water-cooled engine with atmospheric inlet and mechanical exhaust valves and features the traditional side-mounted radiators, so familiar on early Renault models. It enjoys the benefit of a three forward speed gearbox and has a reverse gear, not presently fitted, but offered with the car. It is believed that the car was originally equipped with two rear seats which were removed by a previous owner, a chimney sweep, who used the car in his business.

Descriptions & pictures by les-renault-d-avant-guerre & bonhams

Production Start 1901
Country of origin France